Product Labeling
Guidelines for Labeling Seed Products
Seed Product Labeling Information & Requirements
The following are required for all products bearing the WBFI Quality Standards logo:
- All ingredients must be listed and in order of preponderance in the ingredient section.
- The ingredient statement must identify each ingredient specifically. No groupings such as “grain products” or “mixed nuts,” etc.
- The birds pictured or highlighted on the package label must be the birds that this product will attract and that the consumer can reasonably expect to see at their feeders.
- If a preference chart is used, the WBFI Bird Preference Chart must be shown, including, at a minimum, any bird species highlighted or shown on the package and all ingredients on the chart.
- If there is a brochure, web site, or other POS material, those items must conform exactly to the label and its guarantees and wording.
- All ingredients must meet established WBFI Seed Definitions.
- The label must meet all current AAFCO and governmental guidelines.

Feed Chart (based on bird preference)
PROJECT WILDBIRD® citizen scientists report that one important part of the hobby of backyard wild bird feeding is that the bird eats the feed. Analysis of the data shows that there is a correlation between the feed and the style of bird feeder used to attract bird species to the back yard.
WBFI demonstrates these preferences of feed and feeder in its Bird Preference Chart. This chart will change as new information is learned. This chart may be used on packaging as noted above in the labeling requirements.
AAFCO Feed Labeling Committee accepted this label for inclusion in their Non-Pet Food Label Guide at their August 1, 2011 committee meeting. To download the free AAFCO Non-Pet Food Label Guide, go to the AAFCO website.
19CFR134, in particular 134.11 through 134.14, gives you the information you need on how to label packages of Nyjer® in the US. Whenever Nyjer® is repackaged, the Country of Origin must be noted on the package as specified in these regulations.